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How to Help Your Child Reduce Procrastinating

Procrastination is not a character trait that any parent wants to see in their child. However, ignoring

the symptoms of a young procrastinator is very easy to do. Here’s how you can stop procrastination in its tracks before it gets the best of your little one.

Recognize the Reasons for Procrastination

Your son might decide not to take out the trash because it’s “gross.” While your daughter might skip her math homework because she figures she’ll get the answers wrong anyway. It’s easy to shrug off both off as being lazy. But, there’s more to it than that.

If your son finds the act of taking out the trash unpleasant. Then he won't be motivated to do the job. He doesn’t have a problem with laziness. He has a problem with motivation.

If your daughter has trouble with algebra and is sure that she’s going to fail her homework, then by skipping the assignment, she can blame her “F” on procrastination rather than an intellectual shortcoming.She's safeguarding her ego from the pain of personal failure.

Procrastination always comes down to self-preservation. The procrastinator doesn’t want to feel stupid, bored, or distressed.

Establish Accountability

Accountability is a big concept, especially for little people, but it can help immensely with procrastination. Kids need to understand that they’re responsible for certain things, and they need to feel rewarded when they act accordingly.

Here are three ways that you can help your child remember the chores/tasks for which he or she is accountable:

Post a list on the refrigerator. Create and co-sign a written contract. Use anti-procrastination apps like Beat Procrastination.

Establish a Reward System

Rewarding success doesn't need to be a costly. In fact, rewards like money, candy, and gifts tend to reduce a child’s motivation. Here are three excellent ways to intrinsically reward a child through verbal commendation:

“Wow! You must feel really good about yourself for getting that math homework done.” “I am proud of you for remembering to take out the trash without being asked.” “You make me feel so happy when you complete the tasks on your accountability list!”

As a parent, you don’t want to see your son or daughter suffer a lifetime of procrastination catastrophes, so you do everything you can to enhance his/her personal development.

At TMAC, we are more than just punching and kicking, we can help your kids develop into responsible adults.

Come see us to find out more.

Brian Schmidt

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